How Lazy Can People Get?

A long time ago there was an episode of the TV show “The Outer Limits” where a race of beings had become so dependent on devices to do their work for them that their bodies evolved into big blobs of fat and they could no longer get out of their chairs.  They kidnapped humans to Read More…

The Coca-Cola You’ll Never See On Shelves

  Well here’s one I’ve never heard before.  When you say “White Coke” I think most people would think of cocaine, (which was actually originally an ingredient in Coca-Cola) but there was a clear version of Coke produced for a Soviet leader decades ago.  They have a lot of flavors–vanila, lemon, lime, cherry, coffee and Read More…

Why Retail Is Different From An Office Job

There are those of us who work in retail, and the rest of the world that has a NORMAL job.  People who work in a office just don’t fully comprehend the idea of working short-staffed, under constant pressure and worst of all, not having a water cooler to gather around.  (In fact, there’s usually not Read More…

Bernie Sanders vs. Walmart

      Here’s a story from the Boston Globe about Bernie Sanders attacking Walmart’s family, who apparently has more wealth than the bottom 40% of the U.S. population.   While that is a scary statistic, the writer correctly points out that he shouldn’t be attacking Walmart per se, but rather the economic system we have Read More…