22 People Who Definitely Didn’t Get The Job

These are absolute classics, and they seem like they could be fakes but I’m pretty sure they’re legit.  I was at the Unemployment Department one time interviewing management trainee applicants, as we had listed an ad and the people there set up several interviews for us.  One guy came in and gave me his resume and it Read More…

9 Things That Make Good Employees Quit

Every year my company does an “Engagement Survey” through a 3rd party which is supposed to help them connect with their employees and address their concerns.  Unfortunately, little is done after the survey results are posted, other than the store managers typing up an “Action Plan” which may or may not be shared with the Read More…

A Pretty Bad Employee Confrontation

There are times when I’ve had a confrontation with an employee that turned ugly, but it was always in private and usually because the employee didn’t like what they were hearing and turned violent.   This, however, is way beyond that.  How do things get so bad that it literally ends in violence? And to Read More…

Now This Is Having Fun On The Job

The other day I talked about when work was fun and how some places are still fun to work.  This guy is definitely having fun at his job and it shows.  Hopefully he can use his talents on a reality TV show and get rich and famous, because I doubt he’s getting paid enough at Coldstone…