On a hot summer day, who doesn’t like to cool off with a cold, refreshing glass of popcorn water?
A Strange Picnic
At a picnic, you usually want bug protection, not this kind of protection.
Gone to the Dogs
You probably could put a hot dog in these buns if you wanted to. Just like you could put a salad or chicken lo mein or an ice cream sundae in these buns. But that’s not their main purpose.
A Strikeout
Even if this bag did contain the correct items, baseballs aren’t exactly known for their bouncing abilities.
Panda Bar
They had to make this an imitation panda ice cream bar, because real panda ice cream bars are endangered.
Wishing for Watermelon
Some people like their watermelon seedless. But you should make sure that it’s also kernel-less.
A Little Short
As TLC once sang, “Don’t go chasing waterfalls…and also don’t go riding down waterslides that send you into the concrete right in front the pool…”
Going for a Dip
This chocolate-dipped drumstick could be worse. It could have been a chicken drumstick.
Fruit With No Name
These curved, yellow fruits are tasty when covered in frozen, dairy dessert and warm, chocolate-flavored liquid.
It has 50% of the fat, and 0% of the strawberry.
Which One’s Pink?
Why is this brand called Old Orchard? Apparently it’s because the orchard is so old that it forgot the difference between pink and yellow.
Explosion of Fail
However, cats may purchase as many explosives as they want.
Winter Beachwear
If this is proper winter attire, then the characters on Game of Thronesbetter stock up!