Why Repairing Your Neon Sign Should Be A Priority

It seems that you see broken neon signs more and more these days.  Advertising your business right out in front of it is a no-brainer, but these companies better get the repair guy out there quickly or they’ll be attracting the wrong customers…



In case you can’t afford the full breast reconstruction.


This is a proposed superstore for when they legalize marijuana.


I’m guessing this is a common problem with a company that has this name on all their signs.


Not many people have more than one MILF but if you do, you can store one of them here.


I guess it depends on how high the prices are.


Having a hard time figuring out what the missing letter is. Did they misspell “Supreme”?


Yes indeed.


Well if you’re going to a carnival of hoes, at least they’re 1/2 price.


This one actually makes sense!


And you wondered where all those cats come from.


Well, there are some loco Jews…


Doesn’t sound too tasty to me.


You wonder if a competitor shot the 4 letters out.


When you gotta go, you gotta go.


from brainjet.com