Below is a list from of 21 catchphrases that businesses have taken up that are just a waste of words. They got a lot of my pet peeves but here’s a few more that bug the heck out of me:
“Huddle with your employees”–are we playing football? Let’s just MEET with them.
” I’ll bubble that up to corporate”–why don’t you just say “I’ll tell my superiors.”
“I’ll reach out to him later”–really? Sounds creepy. You should just CONTACT him later.
#12 on the list is especially overused where I work, they make “Action Plans” all the time. They rarely get done, so I wonder if they were just a “To-Do List” more might get accomplished…
Why can’t people at work just talk like, well, people? Instead, because we don’t have enough communication issues in our society as is, we have to make up a whole new vocabulary that we’re required to use at least eight hours a day.
We’re talking about things like …