Did You Not See the “For Dogs” Part?

This was on someone’s Facebook page and made my day.   Folks, please read your labels before making purchases, especially for your children!!


Today I was in the frozen isle of Walmart doing a bit of grocery shopping. A lady whose name is Sara (it was on her badge), looks at me and says
Sara: My daughter loves these.
Me: Oh how cute, you call your dog your daughter.
Sara: (odd stare) No, I mean my actual daughter.
Me: Ohhh I thought you meant your dog liked the Doggie Ice Cream.
Sara: (laughing) No sweetie it has dogs on it but it is a marketing strategy to target younger kids, but it is for humans. That’s why it is in the isle with our food.
Me: This Walmart does not have a refrigerated or frozen dog food section. I used to buy that all the time for my dog Kimbo.
(A manager is walking past the isle and I get her attention)
Me: Excuse me is this for humans?
Manager: ( laughing)No, it is for dogs although my cat steals it from my dogs all the time.
Sara: Are you F’ing kidding me all these years I’ve been giving my kid dog food. (Crying)Why would you put it with the human food?
Manager: We have always stored it in this section. Since it is the only frozen dog treat this Walmart carries it would be costly to have a freezer for only this product in the dog food section. Also it clearly says that it is for dogs, and it’s made by Purina.

Sara was on the phone the whole time and her husband was cracking up. She just left her basket and walked out the store.