Irony In Action

Only two of these are technically retail based, but they were too good not to share.

 Dr. King would not be happy. 


People with OCD better drive by this one quickly.

Like everything else in America. 

I think I bought one of these once.   Non-Fry Stick Pan. 

The look in his eyes screams GUILTY!

Get the feeling not too many people graduate from here. 

Considering how bad M.Night Shamaylan movies are, this was a blessing in disguise for the recipient. 

This one is for my sister, who taught for 40 yeers. 

You are what you spell. At least he got that right. 

Clearly NOT thinking. 

I guess the trip was more than 5 hours. 

In case you wondered what Jason Alexander has been up to…

Bruce Wayne goes out and captures criminals on Father’s Day.  Maybe Butler Day would be better for him?