Retail Sales (Then and Now)

Here’s a look at the top 10 retailers (by U.S. Sales dollars) in 2008 and last year.  8 of the 10 are the same although some have moved up or down.

Some observations:

–WalMart is still the king, although they have declined.

–CVS has lost sales and Walgreens gained more sales. One up, one down.

–Costco has shown the biggest dollar increase.  Americans love their club stores.

–SuperValu had the biggest percentage and ranking drop, probably due to their selling off stores.

–Sears also dropped significantly (almost 50%) and was the other company to drop out of the top 10 (and way out, kind of like the company is on the way out…)

–Safeway “climbed” into the top 10 despite declining sales.

–And the big winner is Amazon, who has nearly tripled their sales and become the first non-brick and mortar store to hit the top 10.

Source:  National Retailers Foundation


2008 U.S. Sales 2008 Rank 2014 U.S. Sales 2014 Rank Gain (Loss)
Wal-Mart         378,000,000 1               334,000,000 1         (44,000,000)
Home Depot          77,000,000 2                69,000,000 5           (8,000,000)
C.V.S.          76,000,000 3                66,000,000 7         (10,000,000)
Kroger          70,000,000 4                93,000,000 3          23,000,000
Costco          64,000,000 5                94,000,000 2          30,000,000
Target          63,000,000 6                71,000,000 4            8,000,000
Walgreen’s          53,000,000 7                68,000,000 6          15,000,000
Sears          50,000,000 8                26,000,000 16         (24,000,000)
Lowe’s          48,000,000 9                52,000,000 8            4,000,000
Supervalu          44,000,000 10                11,000,000 37         (33,000,000)
Safeway          42,000,000 11                37,000,000 10           (5,000,000)
Amazon          15,000,000 25                43,000,000 9          28,000,000

2 thoughts on “Retail Sales (Then and Now)

  1. CVS. may claim that the loss is due to the lack of tobacco products they quit selling in Aug. 2014. or too many coupons not being used.

    1. CVS has lost sales due to their “out of stock” situation!! Maybe if they had competent well paid employees the situation could be reversed!! Don’t they have DM’s that visit the stores and find ways to correct the problem??

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