Employees Reveal Their Most Shocking Experience With Customers


From The Daily Buzz,  these are actual stories from employees who encountered strange customers.  Nowhere else is it more true that “It takes all kinds”, but personally I think some of THESE kinds we could all do without.

My most shocking experience is still probably the elderly customer who picked up a box of Wheaties with Michael Jordan on the box and walked over to me to say “These just don’t taste as good with a ni**er on the box.”

There are customers who are on the lookout for lesbians!

There are customers who live to ask out cashiers!

There are customers who are afraid of Mexicans!

There are customers who need to employ professional food taster lackeys!

There are customers who think their pet fish have Alzheimer’s!

There are customers who have strangely specific expectations for their ice cream!

There are customers who want YOUR employee discount!

There are customers who have WILDLY specific expectations for their ice cream!

There are customers who want you to go to prison!

There are customers who’ve probably never had an uncomfortable itch in their lives!

There are customers who proudly declare their penchants for domestic violence… yeah.

There are customers who want to know about your pregnancy!

There are customers who imply you’re an immigrant! (And that’s super inconvenient for them, didn’t you know?)