They’ve taken another piece of my childhood away, and this time they’ve gone too far. Frito-Lay, the chip behemoth that owns like 99.8% of the potato chip market and is owned by Pepsi, has decided to no longer put the toy surprise inside packages of Cracker Jacks and is instead replacing them with a QR Read More…
Category: Retail Companies
Company info or experiences
Wait–How Much Did You Say My Viagara Was Again?
There’s a reporter named David Lazarus who is a consumer affairs reporter for the LA Times and he often tries to help people who feel like they have been untreated unfairly by a business. This is not the first time he’s written about CVS, in fact he’s done is so often at times it Read More…
What to Buy at Trader Joe’s
Who doesn’t like shopping at Trader Joe’s? Someone told me once that they mark every product up the same exact amount (25% IIRC) so that explains why bananas are cheap there, since they tend to be a high profit item at the grocery stores. Their eggs are a good deal for Read More…
10 More Reasons Not To Eat At Fast Food Restaurants
As if you needed any more reasons to not eat fast food, here’s some secrets shared by former fast-food workers that will make you think twice about ordering there. Nothing on here really surprises me too much–the chicken at Boston Market is great but have never tried anything else, and Wendy’s fries don’t even Read More…
BREAKING: CVS To Start Selling Tobacco Again
In a surprising turn of events, CVS/Health has decided to bring a limited selection of cigarettes back into their stores. After taking them out in September 2014 to support the health of their customers, their front store sales declined to the tune of 5% over prior year and evidently enough customers complained to make them decide Read More…
The Struggle Is Real At Starbucks
I’m not much of a coffee drinker so have managed to avoid the Starbucks Addiction that many people seem to have. I wonder how many of them do the math and figure out how much they’re spending a year there just for a cup of coffee (and occasional pastry.) Well, at least they Read More…
Another Retailer is Also Pulling Tobacco From Their Stores
Apparently CVS isn’t the only retailer who is not very interested in selling cigarettes. Costco has been quietly phasing out SKU’s of cigarettes and using the space to sell more profitable items. Where CVS claimed to be doing it for the health benefit of their customers, Costco is freely admitting there is little Read More…
New Danish Supermarket Chain Only Sells Dented and “Expired” Foods
And once again our European friends are innovating the business, this time it’s a chain in Denmark that is selling damaged, dented, or short-dated foods for a discount. I’ve talked about the amount of stuff that stores needlessly throw away before, and how arbitrary some of the Read More…
This 24-Hour “Smart” Convenience Store Has No Cashiers
As labor cuts continue and companies search for a way to eliminate more bodies, in Sweden someone came up with the unique idea of having a convenience store with ZERO employees there while the store was open late at night. They have some limitations on what they can sell, and it Read More…
5 Sneaky Tricks Grocery Stores Use to Make You Spend More Money
This one is from Mental Floss, and there’s nothing really new here, but what caught my eye is the first one about putting cheap items by the entrance to get your brain excited about saving money. This philosophy has been around for years, putting “loss leaders” up front, ideally the customer sees your great Read More…