28 Signs You’ve Worked At A Grocery Store For Way Too Long

Most of these apply to drug stores as well.  Actually, almost any store.  #1  is only true if the parents can’t control the children.  My pet peeve–parents that let their kids play with footballs, playballs and other toys in the middle of an aisle.   I’ve tempted to post a sign that says  “We don’t sell drugs on your playground, please don’t play ball in our drug store.”

1. You don’t think children should be allowed anywhere.

You don't think children should be allowed anywhere.

2. And you know customers are animals who never learned trash goes in a TRASH CAN.

And you know customers are animals who never learned trash goes in a TRASH CAN.

3. Seriously, who thinks this is an OKAY place to leave a dirty diaper?

Seriously, who thinks this is an OKAY place to leave a dirty diaper?

4. Honestly, this barely phases you anymore.

Honestly, this barely phases you anymore.

5. And neither does children’s toy shoved in a salmon’s mouth.

6. You’re no longer impressed by the vulgar creations in the spice section.

You're no longer impressed by the vulgar creations in the spice section.

7. Or clever hijinks.

Or clever hijinks.

8. Yes, you know this doesn’t look like a wine holder.

Yes, you know this doesn't look like a wine holder.

9. And yes, you understand that most “specials” aren’t very special.

And yes, you understand that most "specials" aren't very special.

10. Some sales really are too good to be true.

Some sales really are too good to be true.

11. And yes, this is the only aisle that matters.

And yes, this is the only aisle that matters.

12. You know how to make things easy for shoppers.

You know how to make things easy for shoppers.

13. Like super easy.

Like super easy.

14. And you know Eurythmics puns suck.

And you know Eurythmics puns suck.

15. But masturbation puns are something the whole family can enjoy.

But masturbation puns are something the whole family can enjoy.

16. You know these are all jalapeños.

You know these are all jalapeños.

17. And that this is Land O’ Lakes Butter.

And that this is Land O' Lakes Butter.

18. You’ve see your fair share of apology cakes.

You've see your fair share of apology cakes.

19. And people climbing on the displays.

And people climbing on the displays.

20. You shake your head in shame when you realize what your stocking on the shelves.

You shake your head in shame when you realize what your stocking on the shelves.

21. You take your creative outlets quite seriously.

You take your creative outlets quite seriously.

22. Like REALLY seriously.

23. You know kids are literally the worst.

You know kids are literally the worst.

24. And potatoes don’t belong with the Franzia…

And potatoes don't belong with the Franzia...

25. Drug tests aren’t near the Cheetos…

Drug tests aren't near the Cheetos...

26. And customers fequently make questionable decisions.

And customers fequently make questionable decisions.

27. But for Christ’s sake you cannot understand why people are utterly incapable of PUTTING SHIT BACK WHERE THEY FOUND IT.

But for Christ's sake you cannot understand why people are utterly incapable of PUTTING SHIT BACK WHERE THEY FOUND IT.

28. Oh yeah, and you know kids would cause a lot less trouble if they’re locked in the freezer.

Oh yeah, and you know kids would cause a lot less trouble if they're locked in the freezer.