How Does Trader Joe’s Do It?

I’m sure everyone has shopped at a Trader Joe’s at some point and enjoyed the experience.  I found a great article about how they make your brain happy when you go there.

The bottom line is this–they don’t have big stores, the best prices, the widest selection and everything you might need.  What they DO have is engaged employees.  The people truly enjoy working there and it shows.  “When shopping is a comfortable experience, it stands a decent shot of being a pleasant one (and people tend to spend more money).

Some other quotes I found incredibly true:  “There’s nothing robotic or scripted about the transaction. Customers react well to authenticity..”  So the concept of having a specific thing for everyone to say every time (“Welcome to Walgreens!” “How may I serve you today?”) is not a smart one.

“Someone placing your groceries in bags and boxes at a TJ’s genuinely cares about doing it well.”  They do it well not because they are being evaluated by customer surveys, observed by management and/or disciplined for not following a policy.  They are doing it because the culture is such that they love their job and thus love their customers.

A lot of other companies focus on cutting expenses, reducing staff and forcing employees into specific behaviors.  As their sales continue to decline and companies like TJ’s continue to climb, maybe their leaders will visit a Trader Joe’s and see what works.

The entire article is here.   It’s a good read and worth the time.