Just Another Week in Retail

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After so many years in retail I am always amazed when I see something that I’ve never seen before.   The other day I had a Hispanic gentleman ask me for some medicine for his COUCH.  It took a while but I figured out he needed cough medicine.  (But I really considered taking him to upholstery cleaner.)  But in between the really crazy moments, there are just a lot of little crazy things that just kind of accumulate in  your head and make you bonkers after a while.  Individually they seem like nothing but when they come one after another, it’s like a prizefighter getting hit too many times.

This guy decided to document an entire week when he started at Target, and the journal is awesome.  There are times when I wish I started a book or kept a log sometimes because I’ve forgotten more crazy stories than I can remember, but this guy got things off to the right start.  He may some day make them into a book.  In the meantime, take a look and enjoy a typical week in retail.

   Have you ever wondered after a shitshow Target run ending with kids sobbing at the register and everyone needing a nap if the cashier took note of your antics? If this Target employee’s hilariously detailed recounting of his first week at work is any indication, yes.

Like, a big yes.

 Tumblr user kimpossibooty took us inside the mind of a Target employee with five days of meticulous notes about the customers he encountered. The list has gone viral on Imgur and it’s easy to see why. His observations are both funny and insightful without mocking or judging anyone who came through his register lane. By the end of this log, you’ll probably be begging him to write an entire book about life as a retail worker.

Here is his diary, day by day.

Image via Imgurkim-2kim-3kim-4kim-5kim-6kim-7