I’ve ranted about service dogs being allowed in stores before, and how easy it is to get them a fake license, but this latest one takes the cake. While in the breakroom of a store that has their restrooms connected to it (so customers will stroll through while you’re eating your lunch…) a lady came out of the ladies room with her obviously-not-a-service dog on a leash. I didn’t bother to check whether or not the dog also did it’s business, but it just amazes me that someone thinks it’s appropriate to bring a dog into a public restroom with them. (Also wonder if she sits on the toilet with the pooch in her lap at home, I apologize if you can’t un-think THAT lovely image.)
I’ll have to check the rules, but I guess the way things are going these days, the response will be that as long as the dog identifies as female, it’s totally OK.