This is another great article from, and while I wasn’t a Loss Prevention Agent, I can tell you from my retail experience that it’s all true. (Well, maybe not the fitting room part, since I never worked in a store that had one, but it seems logical and I’m definitely wearing clean underwear the Read More…
Author: RetailGuy
A Clever Crook Rips Off A Wal-Mart
Ok, you’ve got to give this guy points for creativity on this one. In Fairfax, Virgina he walked into a Wal-Mart wearing an employee vest (do they sell those on EBay or did he just grab one from their breakroom?) and went up to a register and told a cashier that they needed to Read More…
Coca-Cola’s ‘Simply Orange’ Juice Is Anything But
Most Americans are trying to eat healthier these days, but unfortunately the retail giants are trying to get them to buy their products by labeling them in a way that makes them look “natural” or “healthy.” A great example is Simply Orange orange juice. While it may be healthier than good ol’ Sunny Read More…
More Funny Names for Retail Outlets
Here’s some more retailers that used a lot of ingenuity in naming their company. Hopefully the public responded. Hopefully they had good food as well. Hopefully this business didn’t go under: I don’t think you’d want to bring the kids here, they might get upset: They’ll make you a fish plate you can’t Read More…
When the Boss Says, ‘Don’t Tell Your Coworkers How Much You Get Paid’
When I was a store manager with Longs, we had a lot of discretion as to how much we could pay people, unlike today. If you had a particularly strong applicant with experience you could offer them more, and if they were doing a good job for you, you were allowed to give Read More…
An Early Contender for Worst Customer Of The Year
We’re only 4 days into the New Year and already a strong contender has come up for Worst Customer of 2016. (OK, there’s no actual award, but if there was, this one would probably win it.) A lady named Holly Jones went to a restaurant called Kilroy’s in Indianapolis on New Year’s Eve and was Read More…
Sunday Soapbox–Thank You, or Thank Me?
Over the last few days I’ve visited several retailers (Lowes, Vons and some others) and in almost every case, I noticed something missing at the end of my visit. All the retailers I’ve ever worked for have stressed 3 things, often using acronyms such as GST (Greet, Serve and Thank.) Broken down, it’s greet the Read More…
There Are Worse Jobs Than Retail
Yes, retail can be frustrating, heartless and sure as hell doesn’t pay well, but it’s definitely not the worst job in the world. came up with the top 30 (or, er, bottom 30) and here they are (in no particular order, if you ask me.) And whoever hired the guy for the Hello Read More…
Secret Menu Items from 12 Fast Food Restaurants
I’ve heard about the In & Out secret menu, but most of these are new to me. I am now rushing off to McDonald’s to get a Land, Sea and Air Burger. After that I’m rushing off to the drug store to get a Tums, Pepcid and Rolaids. If you’re bored with the same Read More…
6 Subtle Ways You’re Getting Screwed at the Grocery Store
Yesterday I talked about sell-by dates, and #2 on this list below is about the same topic. #4 is the one that has always bothered me the most. It’s bad enough that Frito-Lay has more than 1/3 of the market in salty snacks (and I’m guessing 2/3 of the market in potato chips) and they charge Read More…