The Truth About ‘Sell-By’ Dates

In my new position I am partly responsible for monitoring outdates at several stores.  Since my company has been in the news a lot over the years for selling expired products (mainly baby formula and dairy) it is a huge focus in our company and gets audited by several people to make sure the stores are Read More…

The Worst Christmas Gifts

Having worked in a drug store most of my life, I’ve seen some things purchased for Christmas gifts that really took the cake.   I fondly remember one time we were asked to wrap a carton of cigarettes as a gift.  Nothing says “Happy Holidays!” more than some potential lung cancer.  Of course there’s the ever Read More…

Throwback Thursday–Xmas Eve

Christmas Eve is upon us.  While it’s still the busiest day of the year for most retailers, it’s nothing like it used to be, at least not in a drug store.  Back in the day we’d have people lined up at the photo counter, buying cameras, watches, wallets, shavers and other last-minute gifts in addition Read More…

A Happy Holiday Customer Service Story

With the big day just a few days away, I thought I’d share a story about great customer service during the holidays.   There are companies that go above and beyond to make someone happy and this one is a doozy. In another outstanding example of taking care of customers, Bungie Studios, one of the Read More…

Sunday Soapbox–Perceptions Vary

In my new position I work in multiple stores and I often find myself being approached by both managers and clerks to vent or air their opinions about their job and store.  I usually try to stay neutral because it’s really none of my business but I’m always willing to listen because I know there’s Read More…

Karma Does Its Job Again

This is from a guy on Reddit.  I edited it down a bit and there have been similar stories before but it’s always fun to read about Karma having a good day, especially when it’s the stupidity of people that earn it.        My favorite tale of customer service Karma involves me working Read More…